
The living room is an important place throughout the home space, pushed open the door see the living room, so to some extent determines the family's living room "face." The beauty and ugliness lies not only in the living room decorated the entire space of the layout, but also a detailed decoration in every corner. Lighting can be used to create a living room a good mood, but the choice of what kind of lighting can be a perfect match for your living room, learning a great deal. Fashion home for you PClady recommend 8 style lamps, living room with 16 models.

The overall color tone and structure of the living room layout is important, but a suitable lighting will also add points to your living room. Colorful, diverse colors living room, choose a dark or metallic-colored lights steady, able to balance the beauty of the living room to achieve stable and harmonious beauty.

The first Lighting recommends:

Single product information:
Architect's Smart Technology Table Lamp
Reference Price: $ 149.00 - $ 179.00
Size: W 9.5 "x depth 14.5" x 24.5 "

Both the living room bright and lively colors, fabric flower pattern visible on the carpet and unconstrained use of warm backdrop of orange, the whole contrast of the warm and elegant living room, it can be stretched lighting with choice of silver, making the whole room light is no longer room for the keynote pick, but were more calm.

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